宮城県にて、伝統工芸の漆工芸のうち 漆と金粉などで絵を作る"蒔絵"の技法を使って作品を制作しています。
伝統的な図柄はもちろん、季節の花や可愛らしい動物など 思いついたものを全て1人で制作しています。
In Miyagi Prefecture, we create works using the technique of ``Maki-e'', which is a traditional lacquer craft that creates pictures using lacquer and gold powder.
This craft is often used for tableware and tea utensils, but I also create accessories based on amber, pearls, silver, and other materials.
We use traditional materials such as genuine lacquer, pure gold powder, and silver powder.
In addition to traditional designs, I create everything I can think of, such as seasonal flowers and cute animals, all by myself.
I would be happy if you could use the ``Uruwashi'' technique, which is only found in Japan, in modern times.
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- 松林うるし工房のショップ
- 松林うるし工房のプロフィール